6 Pragmatic Ideas for Retailers in the U.S. for how to adjust your sails.
Marketing Strategy
Why is it so hard to get from your Minimum Viable Product to Go-To-Market?
You have an idea, you develop the product, you are proud as hell, and then… You put it in a box. You are stuck with your not-marketed minimum viable product. Why is it so hard to put it out there? A guide to getting yourself (mentally) ready for your go-to-market!
Why a Website is totally, absolutely not enough: An Intro to Contact Points.
A good website alone is not enough to bring you the sales you hoped for. What does it take? Learn all about Contact Points in this article!
AIDA what? Sales Funnels explained.
AIDA is a simple, yet timeless concept in the marketing world. In this article, we’re explaining the basics of AIDA and the Sales Funnel.
11 Digital Marketing Myths better not to buy into
We’re busting some of the most common misconceptions people have about marketing and how simple (or not) it is. Quick and simple. Have a read!
Don’t mistake the wheel for the car
Why focussing on any single marketing technique such as SEO can get you off track (and why marketing strategy can help fix that). Plus… a Porsche. 😉
Entirely beside the price point: How setting the wrong price structure might effectively ruin your chances for success
as in “If you position your Krapfen to be the Champagne among Krapfen, you‘ve got to stick with that strategy and be stringent about it.” Learn more about the details, why it might effect your business, also – and learn how to fix pricing hickups.