Your personal + company profile on Linkedin: The basis for so-called Social Selling. How to get started in 3 steps and where it can take you.
Digital Marketing
Instagram marketing with Style, Charm and Bowler Hat: 10 Tips for 2022
Instagram Marketing – Many imagine this to be too easy. After all, there are a lot of rules to follow! For example, timing, optics, regularity, and algorithm. We have summarized the essential tips for a successful Instagram marketing strategy!
Color choice in branding: (Almost) no matter of taste
What if the right color brought you 20% sales every year? With the right choice of colors in branding, this is possible.
Tik Tok on everyone’s mind: “Should we get in on this?”
Tik Tok – the “Latest Hype”? in terms of social media:❓What can/is it really doing? For which companies and target groups is it the right platform? ?✅
AIDA what? Sales Funnels explained.
AIDA is a simple, yet timeless concept in the marketing world. In this article, we’re explaining the basics of AIDA and the Sales Funnel.
11 Digital Marketing Myths better not to buy into
We’re busting some of the most common misconceptions people have about marketing and how simple (or not) it is. Quick and simple. Have a read!