This reminder might sound pretty clichèe, yet depending on the day and the mood I am always amazed when I look back and see what was possible
simply by staying in the game…
whether it was learning how to ski or to golf or learning how to be an entrepreneur.
Little secret info on the side:
Your dreams will probably never be reached.
The reason is not that you will not be able to turn them into reality, the reason is probably rather that they tend to grow while we are working on them. 😉
That’s actually a good thing as we should always stay humble in the sense to feel and understand that lots of tiny steps will add up over time.
Sometimes one tiny step or ideas might turn out to be THE game changer – we will only get to know it if we just do it.
#dreambig #entrepreneurship #humble #startup #startingup #growthhacking #neverlookback #justmove #justdoit #onwards #stepbystep #empirebuilding #creativity #beamaker #daretostartsmall #smallisbeautiful #agile #clever #flexible #golf #ski #instaski #instagolf #adultlearning #lifelonglearning
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