[LESETIPP] Höflich-freundlich reicht nicht… wie man auch jetzt was verkauft bekommt
Super Artikel darüber, dass alle jetzt in so einer „oh, schön, wieder da zu sein“ Stimmung sind… aber…
am Ende des Tages nutzt reine Höflichkeit nichts.
„You can be certain that a sizable percentage of the folks who told you they „just can’t wait“ until you’re back in business will take their own sweet time returning. They’re going to make sure that the coast is clear, that they’re not guinea pigs and beta testers for all the new tricks of the trade, and that they’re being safe and smart about revisiting their old haunts and habits. Promises don’t make payroll. A restaurant that has more reluctant customers with reservations about returning than it does returning customers making reservations can’t remain in business for very long.“
4 konkrete Tipps, die helfen von Höflich zu Umsatz zu kommen:
Here are four rules of thumb to keep in mind in these crucial customer conversations:
(1) Ask for the sale, not their sympathy. Sales pay the bills.
(2) Something now is a lot better than a whole bunch of nothing later.
(3) Get their commitment in writing — memories fade, but POs persist.
(4) Better an honest refusal than an insincere promise. Saves time for all.
As the doors slowly begin to reopen for business, and notwithstanding what will probably be a long and slow „L“ of a recovery, the process of establishing, agreeing upon, implementing, and understanding the new ground rules for restarting our shops, stores, schools, and other services is going to be […]
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